Well after months of hype, it has arrived and I've just seen it. So here we go and hopes are still high, even if it is a Hollywood production it has a lot of potential, a huge array of characters and 40 years of back story. The strength of the first two, was the development of the characters backed up by 5 minutes spells of CGI magic.
As a big spidey fan the idea of brining him to the wide screen at first filled me with horror as visions of that 80's Captain America movie and other assorted horrors. Well that didn't happen and now we're up to number 3. I hope you all remember how we got here cause I ain't going to bring you up to date, nope let get in there.
Right first problem a little like the second it takes an age to the introduction of the new baddies , focusing on Peter and MJ's on off relationship, while this was fleshed out in the second one, here it revisits old ground almost mirroring Stan Lee's habit of weighing the original comic down with excess dialog and teenage angst. In a set of 2 hours movies this is not a good move and stunts the growth of the franchise when it looked like it was moving in a direction that due to Lee's huge back story could of gone on for years.
I also didn't enjoy the way the plot was tied together and I feel that maybe too much was put in here, too many subplots when there was enough strength in the material that one or even two of the villain could be cut out. Remember in the comics all the subplots here where major story lines developed over years and to have the Sandman introduced as Ben Parkers murderer than have all the loose ends tied up over this and three or four others plot strands in two hours seems like too much to me.

In the end the overall excitement of the first two has been let down the story is bogged down by too much going on while nothing is explored and developed apart from Peter/ MJ's relationship which as I mentioned just seems to thread old ground and at the same time denies long standing spidey villains Sandman, Venom and the Green Goblin the chance to shine. In the comics all these characters have had profound effects on Spiderman but here, with exception to the Goblin, they are introduced and dispatched without much fanfare and thats a shame cause venom is a major villain.
Overall I was disappointed but word of a fourth is already spreading so lets hope this franchise can correct its direction for the next episode which should be along in about 2 and half years can't wait.
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