Oooh a classic track from da Wu Tang
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
More evidence to suggest CIA involvement in recent terror threats:
Bomb Plot “Key Player” a CIA-ISI Asset
Thursday August 17th 2006, 8:17 am
Leave it up to the corporate media to ignore the obvious and continue to push the original Brothers Grimm fairy tale about liquid bombers taking out jetliners because they hate our freedoms.
For instance, the chief patsy in the supposed terror plot—a plot sans any compelling evidence, or for that matter any evidence, period—Rashid Rauf, “is a close relative of Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar,” according to NDTV.
Not mentioned here is the fact Jaish-e-Mohammed is a creature of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), that is to say the CIA. “During the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s saw the enhancement of the covert action capabilities of the ISI by the CIA,” notes the decidedly less than conspiratorial Wikipedia. “A number of officers from the ISI’s Covert Action Division received training in the US and many covert action experts of the CIA were attached to the ISI to guide it in its operations against the Soviet troops by using the Afghan Mujahideen, Islamic fundamentalists of Pakistan and Arab volunteers.”
“While collaborating in the British investigation, Pakistan’s Military Intelligence is known to have actively supported and financed the Kasmir rebel groups, which allegedly had contacts with the London bombers,” Michel Chossudovsky explained in the wake of the July 7, 2005, London bombings. “The ISI was instrumental in the creation of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Hizbul Mujahideen (JKHM) in the late 1980s. (See K. Subrahmanyam, ‘Pakistan is Pursuing Asian Goals’, India Abroad, 3 November 1995). It has also supported the other two main Pakistan-based Kashmir rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba, (Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), which claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Indian parliament in October 2001…. Moreover, according to intelligence sources and the FBI, the ISI also provided support to the alleged 9/11 hijackers.”
Masood Azhar looking very fundamental
Naturally, in order to portray Rauf in an even more sinister light, we are told he “deserted” the ISI Kashmir operation “and joined Al Qaeda,” according to Hafiz Allah Bukhsh, the father of Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar. In effect, this may be viewed as a lateral promotion, as al-Qaeda is an ISI-CIA collaborative project as well, even though Jaish-e-Mohammed and al-Qaeda are portrayed as rivals.
In an effort to insert distance between Pakistan’s thug leader Pervez Musharraf—installed after the ISI decided the former thug-in-residence, Brig Imtiaz, had to go—and the ISI created and nurtured militant groups in Kashmir, the corporate media reported Musharraf “banned several militant groups, including Jaish, in 2002″ and as a result some “groups splintered and transformed after the ban and some members left to join Al Qaeda, experts say,” reports the International Herald Tribune.
“Pakistani intelligence officials say Rauf was arrested in Bahawalpur on Aug. 9, just hours before British police detained 24 people suspected of being part of a plot to blow up passenger planes bound for the United States,” the IHT explains. “Because of the Bahawalpur connection, suspicions in the airline bomb plot inevitably fell on Jaish and affiliated militant organizations like Jamaat-ul-Furqa, although Pakistani officials were quick to identify Rauf as a member of Al Qaeda.”
In short, Pakistan is attempting to divert attention from its pet project in Kashmir, aimed at India’s occupation of the Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh region. As well, shifting attention away from Jaish-e-Mohammed to al-Qaeda takes heat off the cozy relationship between the ISI and the CIA, not that the corporate media can be expected to highlight such well-established connections.
Once again, it is transparently obvious the latest supposed terrorist threat was concocted by the usual suspects, the intelligence apparatus in the United States and Britain, expressly devised to ram through yet more draconian legislation—to wit, a further undermining of the Bill of Rights, as Chertoff recently suggested (increased surveillance and longer detention of citizens without formal charge), a cynical ploy to rob Americans of their birthright, as the fascist elite has decided they can no longer tolerate constitutional law, a tradition stretching back to Magna Carta.
From Another day in the Empire
Bomb Plot “Key Player” a CIA-ISI Asset
Thursday August 17th 2006, 8:17 am
Leave it up to the corporate media to ignore the obvious and continue to push the original Brothers Grimm fairy tale about liquid bombers taking out jetliners because they hate our freedoms.
For instance, the chief patsy in the supposed terror plot—a plot sans any compelling evidence, or for that matter any evidence, period—Rashid Rauf, “is a close relative of Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar,” according to NDTV.
Not mentioned here is the fact Jaish-e-Mohammed is a creature of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), that is to say the CIA. “During the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s saw the enhancement of the covert action capabilities of the ISI by the CIA,” notes the decidedly less than conspiratorial Wikipedia. “A number of officers from the ISI’s Covert Action Division received training in the US and many covert action experts of the CIA were attached to the ISI to guide it in its operations against the Soviet troops by using the Afghan Mujahideen, Islamic fundamentalists of Pakistan and Arab volunteers.”
“While collaborating in the British investigation, Pakistan’s Military Intelligence is known to have actively supported and financed the Kasmir rebel groups, which allegedly had contacts with the London bombers,” Michel Chossudovsky explained in the wake of the July 7, 2005, London bombings. “The ISI was instrumental in the creation of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Hizbul Mujahideen (JKHM) in the late 1980s. (See K. Subrahmanyam, ‘Pakistan is Pursuing Asian Goals’, India Abroad, 3 November 1995). It has also supported the other two main Pakistan-based Kashmir rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba, (Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), which claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Indian parliament in October 2001…. Moreover, according to intelligence sources and the FBI, the ISI also provided support to the alleged 9/11 hijackers.”

Naturally, in order to portray Rauf in an even more sinister light, we are told he “deserted” the ISI Kashmir operation “and joined Al Qaeda,” according to Hafiz Allah Bukhsh, the father of Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar. In effect, this may be viewed as a lateral promotion, as al-Qaeda is an ISI-CIA collaborative project as well, even though Jaish-e-Mohammed and al-Qaeda are portrayed as rivals.
In an effort to insert distance between Pakistan’s thug leader Pervez Musharraf—installed after the ISI decided the former thug-in-residence, Brig Imtiaz, had to go—and the ISI created and nurtured militant groups in Kashmir, the corporate media reported Musharraf “banned several militant groups, including Jaish, in 2002″ and as a result some “groups splintered and transformed after the ban and some members left to join Al Qaeda, experts say,” reports the International Herald Tribune.
“Pakistani intelligence officials say Rauf was arrested in Bahawalpur on Aug. 9, just hours before British police detained 24 people suspected of being part of a plot to blow up passenger planes bound for the United States,” the IHT explains. “Because of the Bahawalpur connection, suspicions in the airline bomb plot inevitably fell on Jaish and affiliated militant organizations like Jamaat-ul-Furqa, although Pakistani officials were quick to identify Rauf as a member of Al Qaeda.”
In short, Pakistan is attempting to divert attention from its pet project in Kashmir, aimed at India’s occupation of the Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh region. As well, shifting attention away from Jaish-e-Mohammed to al-Qaeda takes heat off the cozy relationship between the ISI and the CIA, not that the corporate media can be expected to highlight such well-established connections.
Once again, it is transparently obvious the latest supposed terrorist threat was concocted by the usual suspects, the intelligence apparatus in the United States and Britain, expressly devised to ram through yet more draconian legislation—to wit, a further undermining of the Bill of Rights, as Chertoff recently suggested (increased surveillance and longer detention of citizens without formal charge), a cynical ploy to rob Americans of their birthright, as the fascist elite has decided they can no longer tolerate constitutional law, a tradition stretching back to Magna Carta.
From Another day in the Empire
BREAKING NEWS: Mike Ruppert relocates.......
One of the first researchers to bring to the public's attention the facts behind 9-11, and many other corrupt practices of the US government, has felt the need to relocate Venezuela. After many years of of FBI backed attacks to destroy or destabilise From the Wilderness, a burglary in late June was the last straw.
In this latest of incidents seven of the office computers where smashed, and done so in a way that made it obvious that the burglary was planned in advance to achieve this goal. Read on
Lets hope that he can still be constructive and relevant in Venezuela, his reporting will surely be missed in the US
One of the first researchers to bring to the public's attention the facts behind 9-11, and many other corrupt practices of the US government, has felt the need to relocate Venezuela. After many years of of FBI backed attacks to destroy or destabilise From the Wilderness, a burglary in late June was the last straw.

In this latest of incidents seven of the office computers where smashed, and done so in a way that made it obvious that the burglary was planned in advance to achieve this goal. Read on
Lets hope that he can still be constructive and relevant in Venezuela, his reporting will surely be missed in the US
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
One story that has not been covered a whole lot within the western media is the political problems in Mexico. Right now there is a huge populist movement rallying behind presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and his campaign for a recount of the recent election that was won by conservative Felipe Calderon. The problem is that there have been allegation's of statewide vote rigging, and these claims have been given validity with recent re-counts.
This is a major story, with the real possibility that Mexico could follow Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia down a left wing path. One country that this would not sit right with would be the USA.

The first reason is oil related. Mexico's main oil field is about ready to crater, this field is one of the largest in the world and having it fall into left wing, socialist hands would cause more instability in the worlds oil markets. Mexico is also joined to the USA economically and militarily through NAFTA and other treaties signed between the two countries.
These are more than enough reasons for the USA not to want Mexico to end up following the example of Hugo Chavez and more than enough justification to help the conservative candidate to power by means legal or not, after all these are the same people that have undermined the American election process through actions that removed black voters, mainly Democratic supporters, from voting lists in 2000 and 2004.
This is a major story, with the real possibility that Mexico could follow Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia down a left wing path. One country that this would not sit right with would be the USA.

The first reason is oil related. Mexico's main oil field is about ready to crater, this field is one of the largest in the world and having it fall into left wing, socialist hands would cause more instability in the worlds oil markets. Mexico is also joined to the USA economically and militarily through NAFTA and other treaties signed between the two countries.
These are more than enough reasons for the USA not to want Mexico to end up following the example of Hugo Chavez and more than enough justification to help the conservative candidate to power by means legal or not, after all these are the same people that have undermined the American election process through actions that removed black voters, mainly Democratic supporters, from voting lists in 2000 and 2004.

Update on UK terror attacks
Since last weeks attacks information has been coming out from several sources; one of then even alerting me to this news story of an unsuccessful attempt just a few days earlier.
Why is this attempt kept quite when such a big deal is made about 21 arrests, where some of the suspects do not even have passports.
Some answers can be found at Wayne madsen report starting with the 11 August entry.
So far the evidence released by the UK government has been slow to show anything but circumstantial evidence. Even though there appears to be enough evidence to justify surveillance of the suspects, the way it has been handled in the media points to a concerted media campaign by neo-cons on both sides of the Atlantic to manage this situation for maximum political points just when Blair and Bush are both suffering in polls.
To summarize I feel that that there where many objectives that this situation was created to handle:
- Begin demand destruction, where demand is reduced by a drastic level to offset rising fuel prices and other syptoms of peak oil. See for more information on this topic
- Restore the image of the Bush and Blair administration's with the help of Murdoch and his media empire.
- While also helping Blair fend of internal competition for the premiership from Brown. While the evidence for this is not sourced there is enough evidence that part of Murdoch's media empire may be actively compiling information on Blair's enemies through illegal methods.
An update on the News of the World wiretap scandal appears here
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Welcome to week 2, as u can c I've been well slack with keeping this log up but it has been a very hectic week.
First up there was gay pride week end, which involved having to put on 2 free parties and a club nights.
The back room at the Concorde awaited us on Friday, as we hooked with other local sound systems Havok and Shindig. While the venue wasn't rammed the back room at CII
only needs about 20 people to create an atmosphere. I also got to drop my first funk set out in Brighton. Only the first hour but i enjoyed it, followed by Owen and then Jiminy finishing of with a 2 hour techno set.
Boom back home a couple of hours kip then on to Saturday, down the park for a bit to check out all kinds of misbehaviour and from there on to the party action.
While Jiminy and Chunk had their eyes set on Black Rock action I'd found a bit of private land out in Polegate to throw a party on.
There where a few problems to deal with from the start. the main one being that the nearest residential houses where about 100 meters away. This limited how much noise we could make ( no more than 2k of sound) and our ability to throw a huge party. But before environmental protection turned up we must of had over 200.
Still in the end we kept the music up until about 5 pm Sunday and I believe a good time was had by all.
Cheers to all those who helped out u know who u are.
The Blackrock party also went down getting about 2000 people and hitting midday Sunday, wicked
Now onto a much more important note, the Israel- Lebanon problems. Only yesterday I came accross, and I believe that this is a crucial fact for anyone who wants to understand this conflict in a wider context, this article by George Monbiot
If this claim is correct, and I believe Monbiot whose articles usually cut through the propaganda of modern political media to reveal its real goals and motivations, then all claims by Israel that this is a defensive reaction are a lie and Israel like the US is partaking in a strategy of pre emptive strikes. I leave out the term retaliation as I believe that Israel acts offensively using mainly ineffective Hezbollah attacks as pretext for military action in the same way as Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin incident to move the US war machine up a notch in Vietnam, or how 9-11 was used as a pretext to invade Iraq by the Bush Administration.
Another intresting article on the real reasons behind the offensive is here
The deeper u go into this one, the more it become obvious that Isreal future depends on military exspansion into the south of Lebanon. I haven't even touched on the issue of water. For more on this check Global Research
Back to lighter note. Preparations are underway for the next Psykotek at the Pressure Point (sept 8). Mood Deluxe (liquid Records) headlines with support from Magrah (organised kaos) & Mr Fox. Posters are done and the flyer's will be in the shops soon. Time to promote.
Meanwhile this Friday SweatBox will be at the Pressure Point. Black Box and Havok come together to bring a night of underground sounds as our residents collaborate for 4 hours of sweaty wonkey action.
Till next time, peace
First up there was gay pride week end, which involved having to put on 2 free parties and a club nights.
The back room at the Concorde awaited us on Friday, as we hooked with other local sound systems Havok and Shindig. While the venue wasn't rammed the back room at CII
only needs about 20 people to create an atmosphere. I also got to drop my first funk set out in Brighton. Only the first hour but i enjoyed it, followed by Owen and then Jiminy finishing of with a 2 hour techno set.
Boom back home a couple of hours kip then on to Saturday, down the park for a bit to check out all kinds of misbehaviour and from there on to the party action.
While Jiminy and Chunk had their eyes set on Black Rock action I'd found a bit of private land out in Polegate to throw a party on.
There where a few problems to deal with from the start. the main one being that the nearest residential houses where about 100 meters away. This limited how much noise we could make ( no more than 2k of sound) and our ability to throw a huge party. But before environmental protection turned up we must of had over 200.
Still in the end we kept the music up until about 5 pm Sunday and I believe a good time was had by all.
Cheers to all those who helped out u know who u are.
The Blackrock party also went down getting about 2000 people and hitting midday Sunday, wicked
Now onto a much more important note, the Israel- Lebanon problems. Only yesterday I came accross, and I believe that this is a crucial fact for anyone who wants to understand this conflict in a wider context, this article by George Monbiot
If this claim is correct, and I believe Monbiot whose articles usually cut through the propaganda of modern political media to reveal its real goals and motivations, then all claims by Israel that this is a defensive reaction are a lie and Israel like the US is partaking in a strategy of pre emptive strikes. I leave out the term retaliation as I believe that Israel acts offensively using mainly ineffective Hezbollah attacks as pretext for military action in the same way as Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin incident to move the US war machine up a notch in Vietnam, or how 9-11 was used as a pretext to invade Iraq by the Bush Administration.
Another intresting article on the real reasons behind the offensive is here
The deeper u go into this one, the more it become obvious that Isreal future depends on military exspansion into the south of Lebanon. I haven't even touched on the issue of water. For more on this check Global Research
Back to lighter note. Preparations are underway for the next Psykotek at the Pressure Point (sept 8). Mood Deluxe (liquid Records) headlines with support from Magrah (organised kaos) & Mr Fox. Posters are done and the flyer's will be in the shops soon. Time to promote.
Meanwhile this Friday SweatBox will be at the Pressure Point. Black Box and Havok come together to bring a night of underground sounds as our residents collaborate for 4 hours of sweaty wonkey action.
Till next time, peace
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Well here we are the first day of August.
The world around me is turning to shit.
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Israel is fighting a war that it can never win, while a heat wave engulfs Europe. The US blindly stumbles along its path like a injured bear incapable of nothing but striking out blindly hoping that someone will notice. The problem is everyone knows it is only a matter of time before its economy collapses, and without oil it will not be able to grease its military machine. Something has to give and from my outpost it looks like it will happen very soon.
On a lighter note down here in Brighton it is Gay Pride this weekend and this town will become very messy. It is one of the biggest celebrations in Europe, with gay and straight people in full attendance. Parties are being planned and even with the expected police hindrance they will surely go ahead. after all they cant stop everyone parting, hopefully though we will remember all the suffering that is occurring in the middle east at the moment
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